Human Resource Management Techniques In Hiring

The psychometric testing procedures invariably contain various aptitude tests. A lot of companies however use several types of personality tests in place of aptitude tests or even both. This idea was put forward due to some legitimate reasons. Incapable employees hired makes the company suffer above all. Hence the only way out of this will be the correct kind of psychometric assessment tests administered to find out the perfect fit.

5 important points the organisation needs to keep in mind while administering psychometric tests

  • Weather your organisation is going to hire a person in the human resource department or organisation managers, they should be aware of the legal malleability. This means that the psychometric assessment in the process of screening should be in accordance with the legal compliance, so that tools for cognitive ability tests are made well validated and relevant to the job. However aptitude tests diagnosing vulnerability to mental illness, risks etc. should not be given to candidates undertaking the test until and unless the work involves any kind of safety considerations.
  • There are few candidates who have the tendency to hire a friend to sit for the test, on their behalf. Hence aptitude test eliminates such treacherous attempts of gaming with the results especially in case of the cognitive ability tests. Organisations have found a way out to this, as they now oversee the attitudes of a candidate, and also tally them with the consistency of their interview and other test results.
  • Also first any business organisation should outline the different measures of job performance prior taking assistance of any psychometric test for recruitment’s. That is any organisation should have a quantitative measure of a worker’s performance on a particular job. Most often, organisations nowadays focus on predictors rather than what should be predicted. However there is no point making statistical correlations of how well a good employee, selected through psychometric test affect performance, if the business needs themselves are indistinct.
  • The concept of ‘informed consent’ owes candidates a chance to improve themselves by giving them feedback about their results. The feedback has always proved to be significant for every candidate even if they are not hired, as they can improve themselves and try for a second time. But the feedback should be relevant to the job, well validated and precise. This also enhances the reverence for the organisation in terms of professional courtesy provided in the candidate’s eyes.
  • Every well developed psychometric tests such as an aptitude testpromises to evaluate job not only qualitatively but also quantitatively. A quantitative measurement ensures the accuracy of the pre employment screening programs, in hiring the perfect employee for the correct job.


A good organisation makes sure individual relations as well as correlations between both the predictor and the outcome variables are maintained well at every step. Hence, organisational heads should be careful while choosing human resource managers, as they will be the one’shiring the future talents, for your operative concern.

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